Your Solution for Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Just Got Better
UGSI Solutions, Inc. is now cleanwater1, Inc. The home of VeloDyne Systems, PAX Water Technologies, Inc. PSI Water Technologies, Inc., UGSI Chemical Feed, Inc., and Integrated Municipal Systems.
Achieving Superior Water Quality Is What We Do Best
Cleanwater1 is a leading provider of water and wastewater quality solutions, pairing proven brands like Polyblend® and Dynablend™ , PAX Mixers, Monoclor® RCS, Mako™, Barracuda™, HydraMax™ , VeloBlend™ and Microclor® systems, with cutting edge strategies and innovations to help customers meet and exceed water quality goals and regulations.
Cleanwater1's water quality solutions focus on disinfection, disinfection residual management, THM reduction, tank mixing, optical sensors, liquid and dry polymer activation to achieve high water quality outcomes, while our wastewater treatment solutions focus on disinfection, silos, bag systems, thickening and dewatering and chemical feed.
Whether your focus is on water quality, wastewater treatment or both, Cleanwater1 has you covered.
Wastewater Treatment
Nobody Knows Water Like cleanwater1
At cleanwater1, your goals are our priority. cleanwater1 is prepared to help you meet the increasingly challenging water and wastewater quality requirements facing your business. cleanwater1 pairs proven brands like Polyblend® and Dynablend™ products, Monoclor® RCS and Microclor® systems and PAX Mixers, with cutting edge strategies and innovations to help you meet and exceed your water quality goals. Our team of experts are here to provide solutions that lead to the best outcome for your organization. We take pride in sharing your mission to ensure public health, environmental protection and financial savings for the well-being of your community.

Low cost chlorine production with Microclor® On-Site Hypochlorite Generation (OSHG) for safety, cost and sustainability of supply.

Residual Management
Monoclor® RCS, Chemlocker®, and Smartboost® systems set the industry standard on maintaining residual levels in the network.

THM Reduction
PAX TRS™ removes volatile TTHM (Total Trihalomethanes) and DBPs (Disinfection By-products) from distribution networks ensuring clean water in the tank.

Tank Mixing
Tank Mixing is essential for minimizing residual loss, DBP formation and biofilms. Learn more about Neptune-Toolbox™ and our family of PAX Mixers.

Liquid Polymer Feed
Achieve chemical optimization while lowering costs with Polyblend® and Dynablend™ mechanical and hydraulic polymer activation systems.

Dry Chemical Feed
Polyblend® and Dynajet™ polymer feed systems are the industry standard for dry polymer activation and optimization. Learn more about our family of products.
Your mission is our mission
Regional Events A Year

Voted Best To Work With
Eight Ways We Achieve Superior Water Quality

On-Site Generation
Using only salt and electricity, the Microclor® OSHG brings simplicity, safety and savings to the water disinfection process.

Dosing Management
Accurately control the dosing of chemicals in your system to improve efficiency and reduce waste.

Liquid Polymer Activation
Polyblend® and Dynablend™ products are recognized by experts as possessing the ideal mixing methodology to optimize polymer activation.

Dry Polymer Activation
Optimize efficiency and costs with a Polyblend® Dry Polymer System or a Dynajet™ Pneumatic Conveyance System.

PAX Mixers create a powerful vortex flow pattern inside water storage tanks from top to bottom to help manage disinfectant residual.

Tank Venting
Reduce THM disinfection byproducts when you combine PAX Mixers, aerators and controls in your water distribution systems.

Chemical Metering
Encore® Pumps and Skids have been proven to provide reliable, accurate and versatile liquid and slurry dosing.

Flow Metering
Varea-Meter® flow meters provide reliable readout, transmission, and control of liquids or gases in the most demanding environments.

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Featured Events

Texas Water | March 18 - 21, 2025
Texas Water is the joint annual conference of the Texas Section American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Association of Texas.
The conference is celebrating it's 30th year as the Largest Regional Water Conference in the U.S.© and caters to professionals in the wastewater and water industry, including water quality engineers, treatment plant technicians, scientists, government officials, regulatory agency personnel, manufacturers and their agents, libraries, universities and groups and individuals concerned with protecting public health and the environment.
Texas Water's location rotates around various cities in Texas each year and includes technical sessions, exhibits, competitions, networking opportunities and much, much more!
We hope you'll join us in Houston for Texas WaterTM 2025!
cleanwater1 will be at booth #TBD.

Residuals & Biosolids | May 6 - 9, 2025

ACE25 | June 8 - 11, 2025
Water Solutions : Our journey to ensure clean and safe water is fueled by heightened awareness, elevated standards, and innovative solutions. As the world evolves, we remain vigilant, resourceful, and committed to collaboration. Let’s innovate together and ELEVATE the future of water.
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Contact a member of our team using our online form, by email or give us a call. We look forward to speaking with you.