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Profile and Preferences

How It Works

The cleanwater1 web site uses cookies to display your information and preferences for added convenience. If you accepted our cookie policy, you will be able to see the information and preferences you have shared with us throughout the web site.

Your cookies will be linked to the email address you provide (should you provide one) and the device you used when you accepted the policy.

If you did not accept our cookie policy or you declined it, you will need to accept it to have a customized experience. Once you do that, your cookied information will be saved and will show up throughout the web site including this profile and preferences page.

To review the details of our cookie policy, click here. To view and accept our cookies policy, click the blue "Update Your Cookies Settings" button.

Note: Cookies do not work in incognito windows or across devices. 

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We use cookies to make your experience on this web site better! To view and accept our cookies policy, click the blue button below.

Your Profile and Preferences


Listed below is the information we have for your profile and preferences. If you would like to enter new information or update your existing information, you may do so here. Note: Cookies do not work across devices. You will need to update your devices individually.

Don't forget to submit your information using the "UPDATE" button at the bottom of the page.